It’s been quite a while since our last TV commercial aired. Since then, we’ve renovated the terminal and the parking garage, plus we’ve experienced several other changes through the years. When we decided it was time to film another commercial, we had our work cut out for us. It’s hard to top our last one!

Our current campaign is all about reminding the Dayton community that this is your airport. We hope that more local travelers choose DAY to see for themselves how convenient it is to fly from their hometown. By flying out of Dayton International Airport, Dayton travelers not only support their hometown airport, further strengthening the local economy, but also send a message to the airlines that this community can and will support the flights that have been placed here. When airlines see flights going out full, they will be more encouraged to add additional flights, which means more nonstop destinations to exciting places.
We love seeing the many reasons passengers choose DAY and what motivates them to travel in the first place. One way we’re able to see this is by routinely reviewing Facebook check-ins. By checking in, oftentimes travelers share their reasons for flying that day and these reasons can be anything from a relaxing family vacation to a life-changing job interview and everything in between. This inspired us to create our newest commercial featuring some of the main reasons people travel through our airport every day.
Filming took place in September 2021 over the course of a few weeks. Actors included airport staff and families and friends of airport employees. If you look closely, you may even recognize someone you know!

This commercial is dedicated to our travelers: families, adventurers, service members, business leaders, and all of the wonderful passengers who trust DAY with their flying needs. We look forward to creating many more travel memories together.